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9th anual Spider Awards

Am avut onoarea de a primi trei nominalizari la prima mea participare la a 9-a editie a concursului international Spider Awards. Multumesc juriului pentru apreciere si va recomand sa vedeti pe site-ul fotografiile participante.

I am truly honoured to get three nominations at my first participation at the 9th photoshow Spider Awards. I thank the jury for their appreciation and I invite you to see on the participating pictures.

2014 Black & White Spider Awards -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOMINEE ANNOUNCEMENT Dear Stefan, CONGRATULATIONS on being a Nominee at the 9th Annual Black & White Spider Awards with: Nominee in Fashion | There's a Hidden Venus in Every Woman Nominee in Fine Art | Duality Nominee in Fine Art | Equilibrum 8,508 entries were received from 73 countries and your work received a high percentage of votes overall. Certainly an achievement, well done! The Jury represented the industry's biggest names and tastemakers including The Royal Photographic Society, FoMu Fotomuseum, Fratelli Alinari, Stockholm City Museum to Torch Gallery in Amsterdam and more who reviewed the entries online before making their nominations and honoring 298 title awards and 957 nominees in 14 categories. The Awards could not have wished for a better group of professionals to work with. Congratulations once again, we wish you a most successful photography year. Best regards, Basil O'Brien Creative Director


© Stefan Neagu 2010-2020

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