Cultartes Magazine feature
A nice feature in Cultartes Magazine. Thank you for the nice words and appreciation!

"Ștefan Neagu is a Romanian photographer (with a medicine school background) whose multiple exposure (some of them almost brain-twisting) artworks cover a large range of themes and subjects: architectural contemporary pieces, urban abstract, dancing dynamics, feminine portraiture and breathtaking nudity. He considers himself a simple “photographer playing with light”, as he uses the light to capture the positive energy of any aspect of life.
There’s also a contrast between the moving city, with its people, its industrial clichées and grey existence, and the static nature: silent landscapes, forests and fauna. At the intersection between these two we meet the human body: a grey, moving or static, silent appearance. “I never liked to tell anyone what to see in my photos”, he says. “But I liked to listen to what others have seen in them, often issues that escaped me, maybe things that I have not given enough importance”.
There’re no useless fireworks, no attempts of out-of-ordinary experimentation. The photographer sticks to his well-founded photo vision, while focusing on the stunning quality of the image itself. The flawless symmetry of his pictures combines perfectly with the fine, precise, almost mathematical (if not even clinical, as he is a medical doctor) framing. Ștefan Neagu believes that framing is everything: “Sometimes [photography] does not need words, description. Not even a title. Everything is in the frame. It gives you, the viewer, the freedom to see it in your own way and even give your own title”.
That’s why freedom is probably one of the key-words of the entire photography of Ștefan Neagu. Freedom and precision: two concepts that even antonymic, are working perfectly together in his art process."